Turn Vegetable Scraps Into a Yummy Veggie Broth

Turn Vegetable Scraps Into a Yummy Veggie Broth

Turn vegetable scraps into a yummy veggie broth base for soups and sauces.

I used baby carrots (that no longer looked appealing to my kids), celery ends/leaves, the stems of broccoli/chard/fennel, leeks, garlic, a couple bay leaves and seasonings I had on hand along with water and let it boil for about an hour.

You can either strain the veggies out (but why would you?) or blend it for a hearty broth.


To find out more about food sensitivities, call (844) 314-1432 or by email Christine@HealthySelfie.com. This is a chance for us to get to know each other. We will evaluate your needs and goals, while I will guide you on the right track. I can work one-on-one in person, by phone or video chat for out-of-area clients.


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